Thank you for visiting the web site. My blog is written to encourage your faith walk through a unique perspective on scripture: focusing on simple five word biblical phrases, pregnant with meaning and food to nourish one's faith. Please check out the 'Shop' and consider buying your copy of "Freedom's Foundation”, written to incite prayer for America and free countries around the world. The book will take the reader through forty days of intercession while revealing 40 precepts of freedom, each springing from the inspiration of a simple 5 word biblical phrase. It's also available in LARGE PRINT.

I have also published a children's book,  "I'm a Country Gopher" - a collaborative effort with co-author, Tony McMehan, and illustrator, Ben Richards.  The book is available at Barnes and Nobles book stores,, as well as Please share with your friends, family and co-workers to consider purchasing the book for their children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and neighbors. It should make a great Christmas or birthday gift item! THE E-BOOK DOWNLOAD IS ONLY $3.99!!!  I hope you will share this info on your social media.

Are you willing to host me at a Men's Breakfast or Community Patriotic Service? Please use the following contact for scheduling:

Thank you for spreading the news!

For Christ Alone,
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