5 Understandable Words for Today

For the next two weeks, I will depart from our journey through the 'book' of Hebrews to reflect on two very dynamic phrases we all would be blessed to embrace.

"...ask for the ancient paths..."  Jeremiah 6:16

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind for my wife and I as we made final preparations for our youngest daughter's wedding. We were blessed beyond measure to witness the collective efforts of family and friends in executing an incredible event for the now married couple. We will never be able to repay everyone for the work and effort given toward this marvelous celebration.

It brings to mind the preparation God is making for the wedding feast in heaven. The church being His bride (2 Co. 11:2-3; Ep. 5:22-33), will experience a great celebration in heaven to recognize the work of the groom in redeeming and saving His bride.

At the wedding, I shared five powerful words written by Jeremiah as he took notes of God's instruction:

"This is what the Lord says, 'Stand at the crossroads and look, ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good ways is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.'" Jeremiah 6:18

A wedding is certainly a crossroads for those entering into such a commitment, and it reflects one of five ancient doors or establishments of a righteous society. The ancient paths lead to ancient doors... some leading to God's good ways, others leading to death.

A path is a well-worn trail providing obvious direction to the traveler. It provides some assurance that the way is safe to travel, and will get the sojourner to his/her destination. All paths lead somewhere. The paths to God's good ways are narrow, yet worn, as only a few have wisely chosen the way. (Mt. 7:14) God wills that all would follow the path to eternity, though many reject His way, and in so doing walk the wide paths of rebellion, licentiousness, and destruction. (Dt. 7:9-15; 11:26-28; 12:28; 28:1-20)

The five ancient doors I referred to above are the doors of: marriage, family, education, business, and government. God's Word directs us to ask for directions to the ancient paths and follow each to the ancient door. Then knock with persistence (Mt. 7:7), that the door may be opened. Once inside, the life traveler discovers God's precepts are accurate for meeting the challenges to a healthy marriage, a strong family, educational excellence, business ethics, and governmental orthodoxy.

It is only in the best interest of His children for God to encourage us to ask. We should not assume a posture of superiority, but of humility in seeking the higher walk of integrity and purity. The awesome dynamic of God's way provides healing and restoration to those who have either ignored or rebelled against God's righteous precepts... God is the God of a second chance! Seek out a long follower of Christ and ask for the ancient paths.

God will make a way,

steve (John 3:30)