“…death came to all men…” Romans 5:12c

As Paul continued to explain God’s redemption, he presented another tenet of systematic theology found in today’s five understandable words. In The Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve experienced unhindered fellowship with God and creation. There was no fear present when meeting with God or when speaking with the serpent (Genesis 2:18-20; 3:1-7). However, once they broke the one restriction given to them – by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge – death entered the paradigm of earth, for the entire creation was affected by man’s rebellion; and with death came fear. Suddenly, Adam and Eve were afraid to meet God face to face, and God warned them of the paradigm shift in their relation to creation when He declared the prophecy of the serpent striking man’s heel (read Genesis 2:17; 3:8-15).

Death came as a result of man’s rebellion, also known as sin. Sin infected all of creation, not just the human race. That one moment is known as “the fall of man”, though in reality it was the fall of all creation – from the smallest form of life to the stars. It occurred before the written law was ever given. Paul asserted that God did not count the sins of man between the creation and the law given to Moses (vv. 12 – 13), for where there is no law, there can be no transgression. It is the law that exposes sin; and it is sin that brings death.

One simple act of compromise. That’s all it took. That one act arising from a lie and the disbelief of being accountable before God (read Genesis 3:4-5) is why death came to all men. How many times have each of us ignored the truth of God’s eyes being a witness to both the evil and the good (2 Chronicles 16:9; Proverbs 5:21, 15:3; Jeremiah 16:17)? There will be a day of accounting when God will judge the thoughts and actions of every person. Will you be found forgiven by faith in Christ or will you stand before God condemned by the law?

Paul was a superlative Jew of Jews: he was schooled under Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, zealous for the law – even to the point of leading raids on the homes of Jewish Christians who were stoned to death. Paul was so totally immersed in the law and its requirements, yet was unable to see the dynamic grace through faith until he had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. It changed everything for him. His life became ruled by God’s grace. His eyes were opened to extend that grace beyond his own race and culture.

We need not fear death when we have trusted in Christ, Who met all the demands of the law for us – literally dying for our sin. We, who, by faith, have trusted Jesus as our Savior and Lord will stand before God absolved of any and all offences toward Him and His law.

Trust in Him today…