“To Him be the glory…” Romans 11:36b

As Paul peered into the wonder of God’s working: preserving a remnant; ingrafting the branches of the Gentiles into the Vine of Life; and being informed as to the mystery and dynamics of election, he was moved to a moment of worship. Verses thirty-three through thirty-six lead the reader to marvel at God’s:

  • Wisdom for creating man in His image (v.33a);

  • Knowledge to understand man’s fallen nature (v.33a);

  • Judgments on punishing sin while providing the penalty for it (v.33b);

  • Unfathomable mind (v.34); and

  • Limitless resources (vv. 35 – 36a).

Had God made us into a completely different creature unable to relate to His character of goodness, then perhaps God’s wisdom would be questioned. However, by giving us a spirit which is completed when found in His grace, one understands more fully God’s wisdom in how mankind was created.

Man’s fall in The Garden of Eden could not be kept hidden from God, just as all sin is known by Him, for His eyes are in every place witnessing the evil and the good. Where man failed, God made a provision to restore His broken creation, making His understanding of man’s fallen nature remarkable.

God’s standard of righteousness requires a penalty when His laws for holiness have been violated. God’s judgments are never wrong, and it is only right for Him to expect holy living by those who claim to follow Him. God’s judgment to provide a Savior is fully just, as there is nothing in one’s own power which approaches the holiness of God. Only Jesus, Emmanuel – God with us, could become the payment for the sins of humanity.

God’s ways are not man’s ways. His mind is unfathomable. God’s economy is so foreign to ours:

  • if you think you deserve to be first, you must go to the back of the line;

  • we are strongest when we are at our weakest and Christ is working in and through us;

  • one who has nothing to give may, in reality, be the biggest giver of all.

Everything we know to be creation became reality by God’s voice speaking it into existence. There is nothing we can claim as our own which we can give to God – not even our own selves. Each of us is a miracle of life, known by God while we were yet in the womb of our mother. God’s resources are limitless, and we can trust Him to care for our needs. If He can provide for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, we can depend on Him to be our supply in all things.

To Him be the glory FOREVER! Can I hear an AMEN?

I am traveling over the next ten days. God willing, I will return to share with you from Romans 12 on Monday, August 12th. Please pray for Sandra and I to know God’s traveling mercies.

Blessings to all!