“…he is in your hands…” Job 2:6b (written for 9/24/2019)

So God permitted satan to put Job to the test… with one exception: God directed satan to spare Job’s life. Was God still in control? Yes, and in having control we discover an eternal truth: God had a plan for Job beyond the pain of losing his family and all he had, and beyond the test he was about to experience.

As soon as satan went out from God’s presence, he went to work afflicting Job with painful sores from head to toe (v.7). The only way Job found some relief from his suffering was by scrapping the sores with a piece of broken pottery (v.8). Isn’t it odd that sometimes relief from pain comes by causing further pain? Like pressing on a bruise or popping one’s knuckles.

Though God maintained control, he temporarily placed the circumstances of Job’s life in satan’s hands. Satan loves to see God’s people suffer. Perhaps, it’s because his time is soon coming for his suffering and destruction. In any case, one of satan’s maneuvers is to bring suffering to those God loves. Why? Because pain and suffering can only be endured for so long before one’s will breaks, and satan was determined to break Job’s will – his will to live, and his will to live intentionally for God.

Satan is opposed to everything God stands for:

  • Where God grants favor, satan stirs fear;

  • God blesses; satan blasphemes;

  • God expresses the truth of His love; satan perpetuates only lies;

  • God extends a peace that passes understanding; satan seeks to disrupt that tranquility;

This passage may touch a nerve within you. If so, remember that God has a plan for your life after the test is over. God is still in control. Don’t give satan the benefit of watching you surrender your will to the pain. Instead, offer praise to God for granting you the strength to endure through it. God has enough confidence in you to allow it.

Have a blessed day…