“…eager to preach the gospel…” Romans 1:15

After being prevented several times from visiting his Christian friends in Rome, Paul was eager to preach the gospel to them, hoping for another harvest of souls who would be ignited in faith from hearing about faith in Christ. He felt obligated to both Greek speaking people, as well as those in countries with other languages (typifying the countries of Europe and their many evolving languages with roots in Greek and Latin: French, Spanish, Italian, Slavic, German, etc., vv. 13 - 15). Paul’s missional mindset impacted the history of Christianity profoundly, taking at least three journeys which are recorded in biblical literature. Most bibles have a map detailing each trip.

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-22) was taken to heart by every disciple (except Judas, who hung himself after Jesus’ arrest). Paul’s calling revealed his zeal and boldness to spread the gospel throughout the known world. It was not a vain thing for Paul to proclaim that he was not ashamed of the gospel; he was not exalting himself, only declaring his resolve in allowing its power to save all whose hearts are quickened by the message (v.16). This statement was a risk for Paul to make, considering the way Christians were executed throughout the Roman empire during the first century.

Paul explained to the Romans that the dynamic of the gospel (the good news of salvation through Christ, making one acceptable before God by a new covenant) is evidenced through the faith one places in Christ to save. He refers the Roman faith community to Habakkuk when quoting, “The righteous will live by faith.” This reference was given in support of Paul’s statement noting God first generated faith through the Jews and then to the Gentiles (non-Jews) through the dynamic of faith in Christ (vv. 16 - 17). God’s method has not changed, God ignites faith in the hearts of those who receive the gospel message and embrace its truth, securing the hope of eternity and its joy in the presence of The Prince of Peace.

The Great Commission was not intended to end with the disciples. Christians of each generation are to take-up the mantle of responsibility for carrying the message of the gospel to all people. Do we reflect Paul’s eagerness to preach the gospel? If not, why? Allow your faith to be activated by God’s Word, empowering you to share this message of abundant life in Christ. You may offer the only words of life some may ever hear!

Have a blessed day and a great weekend!