“Therefore, God gave them over…” Romans 1:24

Those who suppress absolute truth are given over to degrading, destructive, demoralizing, spiritual decay. All of us sin, and some more than others. God beckons sinners time and time again to repent and turn from their sinful pattern to be redeemed and regenerated by the power of salvation, prayer, and the transforming work of The Word upon one’s mind. Those who refuse to open their minds and hearts to God’s redemptive love are given over to become prisoners of their own sinful desires leading to sexual impurity – the kind of impurity leading to momentary sensual pleasure which could be achieved in a variety of ways. I told you this may get messy.

Three times, Paul described how God gave those, who suppress His truth, over to moral and physical decay (vv. 24, 26, & 28). Those who refuse God’s truth for righteous living, changing the truth of God for a lie choose to worship the creation rather than the Creator (v.25). What enraptures one toward sexual addiction and compulsion for sexual gratification apart from God’s design leads one away from the peace of God that comes from living righteously. It is a trap leading to death. They are given over:

  • “…for the degrading of their bodies with one another.” (v.24) In other words, the drive to seek pleasure leads to exploring or inventing ways to heighten the pleasure (v.30), prolong the pleasure, and discover new ways to intensify what, in the end, is only momentary. Those who venture into this abyss only know the mantra sung by Mick Jagger, “I can’t get no satisfaction.” The law of diminishing returns begins to demand a greater and greater ‘rush’, leading one to venture further into the abyss of satisfaction’s demands.

  • “…to shameful lusts.” (v.26) Paul described how, in one’s quest for satisfaction, one is led to exchange God’s natural design for that which is unnatural. Then Paul specifically called out the ‘elephant in the room’: “In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.” (v.27) Homosexuality has been around for thousands of years, and for thousands of years God has called it wrong – out of step with His design for men and women to experience abundant living (Leviticus 20:13). Abundant living is not found in the euphoria of a climactic moment, it is found in daily acts of love and demonstrating God’s love to those who desperately need it. One cannot live in “covenantal love” with one of the same sex, as it would be out of covenant with God. God’s design has been for covenantal love to be between a man and a woman (Matthew 19:4-6).

  • “…to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.” (v.28) What led those who rejected the truth of God to do what ought not to be done? They did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God. God provided His Word for guidance, and it was rejected… the same as throwing The Bible in the trash can. Like love and goodness, sin also, has a ripple effect… a domino effect, if you please. Those who know God’s righteous decree and approve of those who practice the sin become complicit in the sin – enabling the sinner to grow arrogant and boastful about their own sin (vv. 30 & 32). The dominos create a ripple effect of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity acted out through envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, gossip, slander, insolence, and even to hating God and His loving precepts for righteous living… good living (vv. 29 – 30).

The ripple effect of sin continues its destructive pattern when those who have rejected God’s way lose all sense of caring for God’s righteous ways. Those ways have to become senseless to make the rationale which enable the sinful acts. Once that happens, the one caught in sin’s trap loses faith and his/her heart becomes unresponsive to the tenderness of God’s voice calling them to repentance, leading to a ruthless defiance toward God and His people (v.31).

The sin continues to even have an effect in the home as children feel empowered to disobey their parents (v.30). You see, when adults choose to reject God’s ways it leads to a domino effect which, like a germ, infects their immediate realm of influence and beyond. Pornography, prostitution, human trafficking, homosexuality, etc. all derive from a search for pleasure, satisfaction, and significance. Though, misdirected, they reflect the brokenness of mankind. We are all broken in some form or fashion – it began at the dawn of creation through Adam and Eve.

Perhaps you know someone caught in the trap of sexual sin. Pray for God’s open door and an opportunity to point this one to Jesus, Who offers freedom from sin and abundant living which offers peace. The peace come from knowing all things are well between God and those He restores unto righteous living. We perform no benefit to the world to remain silent about an issue God has addressed in His Word. Choose carefully how you present God’s love to others… avoid a condemning confrontation and foolish arguments… don’t fall into that trap. Make a difference through your loving approach and redeeming heart.

Thanking God for His power to redeem…

 Recommended read:

“Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality” by Wesley Hill