“…your faith is being reported…” Romans 1:8b

When I was in the fourth grade, a fellow student told on me. She let the teacher and everyone in the classroom know that I had disobeyed the teacher, going against her explicit instructions concerning a Father’s Day project. Have you ever been reported? The Christians in Rome were being reported all over the known world (the Holy Land and Europe) for another reason – their strong radical faith in Jesus Christ. This gave Paul good reason to thank God for these new Christians whose reputations as fully devoted follower of Christ was spreading (v.8).

Paul professed to serve God with his whole heart through preaching the gospel (which is ALWAYS about JESUS!), the same way the Roman Christians were exposed to the truth of Christ, and His transforming power. He spoke of his earnest prayers for them, which were offered at all times (v.9). Paul obviously loved these people, and couldn’t wait to see them, praying God would open an opportunity for him to visit them (v.10).

Is your faith so strong that it is being held up as an example before the world? If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? There are plenty of people who attend church, but then there are also plenty of people that go to McDonald’s. Going to church doesn’t make one a Christian any more than going to McDonald’s makes one a hamburger. There are plenty of people that have a Bible, but then, there are also plenty of people that own an owner’s manual for their vehicle. If neither of them are ever read, there is no benefit to the owners.

I pray that your faith will grow. It’s like a muscle, the more it is exercised, the stronger it becomes. If you are lacking in faith, ask God, and He will generously supply what is lacking, for He is the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).

I hope to hear that your faith is being reported all over the place!

Have a blessed evening!