“Where have you come from?” Job 1:7a

At one point in the annals of time past, the angels came before God’s presence to present themselves (v.6). The literal translation of angels here is “the sons of God”. They were all called to appear before God, The Ruler of everything. Evidently, they were all giving an account of their activity… and even satan was required to be present.

Throughout the Bible, God is always presented as The One in control; The Final Word; The Creator and Sustainer of all there is. Every person ever born, like the angels, will give an account of his/her life before God. God is speaking through the ages of time to ask us today the same question He posed to satan: “Where have you come from?”

Satan’s answer echoes back to the earliest point of earthly time when God judged the serpent by changing its DNA! The serpent was morphed into a crawling animal that eats dust, where once it was a being that Adam and Eve found perfectly acceptable for conversation (read Genesis 3:1-14). Satan answered The Lord, stating, “From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it.” (v.7b) God’s judgment of satan in Genesis shows His might and power to limit Satan’s domain and influence, as evidenced in satan’s reply – he was limited to earth’s domain.

On any given day, The Spirit of God may ask us the same question: Where have you come from? Would our answer be embarrassing or would it reinforce our life’s passion and purpose? Are we walking in the light of His presence and Word, or are we chasing after worldly pursuits that leave no eternal impact?

At any given point in your day – every day – listen to God asking you, Where have you come from? Where are you going? Many years ago, I served a church in the Charleston, SC area. There was a High School principal who was a member of our church. He had a sweet wife and two darling girls. He often challenged the youth to “remember Whose you are”. In a way, that statement is similar to the question we consider today – it realigns one’s thinking, adjusting one’s path to the compass of truth and goodness.

Knowing where one has been is an excellent frame of reference in determining one’s direction. No matter what one’s past has been, God offers a hope and a future to all who turn to Him in faith (Jeremiah 29:11). Where have you come from?

Have a blessed day…